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Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee 24th March 2006, The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 06/076/CP Applicant Name Mr P Hicks Development 2 Candacraig Square, Strathdon Development Details Installation of Chimney Flue CNPA Notified 08-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 29-Mar-06 Application Type LBC Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints LCA DL CNPA Ref 06/077/CP Applicant Name Wilburn Homes Ltd Development Land North East of Macrae Crescent, Kincraig Development Details Formation of footpath link between Baldow Park and MacRae Crescent (amendment to planning consent 03/379/FULBS) CNPA Notified 09-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Mar-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NMR Prev App 03/092/CP CNPA Ref 06/078/CP Applicant Name Mrs Jane Newton Development Land between Larchfield Cottage and Stonefield, Insh, Kingussie Development Details Erection of 2 dwellings (outline) CNPA Notified 09-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Mar-06 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/079/CP Applicant Name Mrs L McShane Development Stalkers Cottage, Cromdale Development Details Alterations and extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 09-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Mar-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/080/CP Applicant Name Mr J Harper Development Chef's Grill, Perth Road, Newtonmore Development Details Alterations and extensions to restaurant/bar; erection of staff accommodation block CNPA Notified 09-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Mar-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/081/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Good Development Site adjacent to Colville Cottage, Victoria Road, Ballater Development Details Erection of Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 09-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 30-Mar-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area SESA-SINS CNPA Ref 06/082/CP Applicant Name Mr M Knott & Mrs M Lamb Development 9 Beinn Ghuilbinn, Aviemore Development Details Extensions to dwelling CNPA Notified 13-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 03-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 06/083/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Park-Elliott Development Juniper Brae, Nethy Bridge Development Details Extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 13-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 03-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AWI CNPA Ref 06/084/CP Applicant Name Mark Hamblin & Gale Lee Development Ballinlaggan Farmhouse, Carrbridge Development Details Erection of garage/store outbuilding CNPA Notified 13-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 03-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints RSPB Reserve CNPA Ref 06/085/CP Applicant Name Miss Catherine McLean Development Field Adjoining "By The Way", Dalwhinnie Development Details Erection of horse stable/store CNPA Notified 13-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 03-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/086/CP Applicant Name A Grant Development Vacant Land (Former Filling Station), Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details Erection of 8 flats and retail development CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type REM Planner Recommendation Call-in Call-in Reasons This reserved matters proposal represents a mixed use development on a prominent brownfield site situated near to the southern entrance to Aviemore. It raises issues relating to social and economic development, provision of affordable housing, visual impact, design, and impacts on mature trees. As such, it is viewed as raising issues of general significance to the collective aims of the National Park. Constraints AWI SNAWI Prev App 04/414/CP Part overlap 06/022/CP CNPA Ref 06/087/CP Applicant Name Grant's Of Aviemore Development Grant's Of Aviemore, Dalfaber Industrial Estate, Dalfaber Drive, Aviemore Development Details Display of illuminated advertisment CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type ADV Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/088/CP Applicant Name Alan Orr Properties Development Unit 10-4, Dalfaber Industrial Estate, Dalfaber Drive, Aviemore Development Details Temporary [12 months] use of land for siting of mobile office CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 06/089/CP Applicant Name Spey Valley Hire Centre Ltd Development Units 16-18, Dalfaber Industrial Estate, Aviemore Development Details Use of land for siting of mobile office unit CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/090/CP Applicant Name Mr H Farquhar Development Plot 4, Farr, Insh, Kingussie Development Details Erection of dwelling house and garage [amended design and position] CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA AWI SNAWI CNPA Ref 06/091/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs S Palmer Development Land to North of Tigh Na Beithe, Duthil, Carrbridge Development Details Erection of barn CNPA Notified 16-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 06-Apr-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AWI SNAWI Prev App 04/468/CP CNPA Ref 06/092/CP Applicant Name Mr and Mrs David Grant Development Site Adjacent To Denburn, Auchnarrow Development Details Outline to erect a dwelling house CNPA Notified 20-Mar-06 Call-in Expiry 10-Apr-06 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS